Feature Story CO2 Offshore Direct Injection -JIP

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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 635회 작성일 24-05-14 19:11


- Concept note for a Joint Industry Project to develop a common approach to assess and qualify concepts for Offshore Direct Injection(ODI) of CO2.

Industry need:
The CCS industry is at an inflection point in time, with a rapid escalation of the number of projects in different stages of planning. In Europe, most geological storage sites are planned offshore, but plans for offshore sub-seabed storage are also being considered in Australia, South-East Asia, Japan and Korea, Brazil and in the Gulf of Mexico. In the absence of established infrastructure for pipeline transport of CO2, many of these projects are considering concepts where ships are used as the mode of transport from collection hubs to the storage site, and injection using an offshore injection concept.

Examples of offshore injection concepts include:
• Direct Injection(DI) – injection directly from an offshore-injection-equipped CO2 carrier through onboard treatment system and connection to a turret loading (e.g. STL-Submerged Turret Loading) or anchor loading(e.g. SAL-Single Anchor Loading) system for injection to the well.
• Offshore Injection Unit(OIU) – floating or fixed structure with necessary CO2 conditioning and injection systems. The unit may be equipped with buffer storage to facilitate continuous injection. Continuous injection can also be achieved with units without storage by allowing connection to more than one ship. For such units, the offloading rate will be equal to the injection rate. The CO2 carrier may supply the unit with power, and STL buoys allow connection to the FIU.
• Intermediate Storage Injection Facilities(ISIF) – CO2 carriers using hose to transfer CO2 to the storage unit. The ISIF can be floating(FSIU) or at the seabed.

While similar concepts have been used for decades within the O&G industry, they have not yet been deployed at scale within the CCS industry. The Lula Oil Field CO2-EOR Project injects CO2 from an FPSO, but this is re-injection of CO2 separated from produced gas and does not involve ship transport.
Project goal:
The goal of the proposed Joint Industry Project (JIP) is to establish a common approach to assess and qualify concepts for ODI, from early-stage concept definition through key projects stages, including FEED and reliable operations, and to evaluate knowledge gaps and areas of innovation for ODI concepts.

Scope proposal
The JIP is proposed to proceed in two phases. The scope for the respective phases is described below.

Phase 1-Qualification basis for CO2 ODI Concepts. Suggested work Tasks:
• Identification and description of applicable ODI CO2 concepts for the JIP to consider.
• Mapping of applicable regulations and standards that apply to ODI chain elements, including:
- Transfer systems from CO2 carrier ship to OIU(Offshore Injection Unit) or ISIF(Intermediate Storage Injection Facilities)
-  On-board storage systems
-  On-board conditioning systems(P&T)
-  CO2 stream composition metering and control
-  CO2 Injection systems, including control systems for injection operations
-  Safety critical elements and systems

• Mapping of interface issues between different regulatory regimes, including for ships, offshore structures, and CO2 storage regulations.
• Development of qualification basis for projects at different stages of development, from concept to operations.
• Identification of knowledge gaps that should be addressed to enable effective qualification of related concepts, including need for physical testing.
• Develop a high-level generic risk register linked to operation and integration of ODI components.
• Develop list of risk mitigation options, including preventive and remedial actions

The Illustration below shows the value chain and infrastructure for a large-scale concept for transport and offshore injection of CO2. In phase 1, we will map regulations and standards that apply to ODI chain elements, as shown in the illustration below.


• Phase 1: 9-12 months depending on feedback from participants.
• Phase 2: TBD based on outcome from Phase 1 and interest from participants.

We aim for kick-off of Phase 1 within 3rd quarter of 2024, provided we have the critical funding and partners.

Timeline for Phase 1- Qualification basis for CO2 ODI Concepts

Deliverables from Phase 1:
Guideline for development of a Qualification basis for CO2 ODI concepts based on findings from activities listed above. It is intended that a synthesis of the guideline will be made publicly available, whereas some results will only be made available to JIP participants. This may include the mapping of regulations and standards and the generic risk register and risk mitigating options.

Phase 2:
The knowledge gaps identified in Phase 1 will be used to define activities for Phase 2. The activities in Phase 2 may include technical and market studies and physical testing to aid qualification of concepts. Phase 2 may also include detailed studies of selected concepts.

We aim for a balanced group of companies within the maritime and energy sector. Relevant public agencies, authorities and CCS member associations may be invited to participate as observers. This will be subject to approval by the steering committee. DNV will be responsible for managing the project.

Fee structure for Phase 1:
The total cost of Phase 1 is expected to be 5-7 MNOK. To this end, with an assumption of 10-14 project participants providing funding, the fee structure is set as follows:
• Companies: 500 kNOK
• Public agencies, authorities and CCS member associations: Free.

Project governance structure:
All participants providing funding will be allowed one representative on the steering committee. The steering committee will meet on a quarterly basis. It is anticipated that all steering committee meetings will by hybrid, allowing both in person and virtual participation. Non-funding participants may join the steering committee as observers. All decisions made by steering committee shall be unanimous.

Expression of interest:
An information meeting will be organized in March 2024 to present the JIP and also general topics related to CO2 offshore direct injection. Following the information meeting, interested participants will be requested to provide a letter of intent(LoI).

■ Contact: DNV Energy systems
+82-2-724-8045 / www.dnv.com



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